Camping/Survival Uses For Apple Cidar Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar UsesAh, apple cider vinegar. Is there anything it can’t do? Okay, it can’t fight a bear, but if you were lost in the wilderness and had a lifetime supple of raw, unprocessed ACV with you, you’d be in pretty darn-good shape. When purchasing apple cider vinegar, forget the filtered junk you normally find on grocery store shelves! What you want is raw ACV that features “the mother,” i.e. a cob-webby substance that’s packed with highly-beneficial enzymes. Let’s take a look at a few of the many amazing reasons to bring ACV with you on your next camping trip, or add it to your survival kit:

Heals Cuts and Scrapes

Dealing with a cut? Scraped your knee? Even the smallest wounds can hurt a lot, however ACV makes the pain say buh-bye. Yes, it will sting at first, but that’s just the liquid’s antiseptic properties working its magic on the infection. Cuts heal quickly when doused with ACV, and make scarring less likely.

Effective Toner

Want to give your sweaty face a swipe of toner after a long day in the sun? ACV will absorb oil, give skin a good clean, and heal acne besides. Dilute it with water if you have sensitive skin, though you can also apply it “straight up.”

Powerful Killer of Yeastie-Beasties

If hours in tight-fitting pants or a wet bathing suit has resulted in, um, dreaded “down there” itchiness, fight it with ACV. Take it as a diluted shot to kill excess yeast internally, and apply it directly to affected areas to ease itching. It’ll burn like heck for about 10 seconds before feeling instantly better. Again, you may want to dilute it. Use it as a douche as well to fight yeasties and maintain vaginal pH balance.

Fabulous Hair Rinse

Keep tresses clean and shiny using raw apple cider vinegar! An effective dandruff fighter that clarifies and adds significant shine, try pouring the liquid over your scalp and wrapping it up in a towel for one to three hours to give dandruff the kiss-off and improve hair health overall.

Excellent Sore Muscle Treatment

Sore muscles putting a damping on your camping excursion? Rub them down with ACV for effective relief.

Helpful Gargle

Forgot your toothbrush, or feel the need to gargle? An effective remedy for sore throats, apple cider vinegar kills nasty bacteria that want to do bad things to your teeth and gums. If you decide to gargle or otherwise use ACV as a mouth rinse, remember to take a few sips of water immediately after, as the acid in the vinegar contributes to tooth erosion.

These are just some of the seemingly endless uses for raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar! Heck, you can even pour it on your hands to clean them if you don’t have access to soap! Do you use this amazing liquid? What was your experience?
