America’s PrepareAthon! Increases Preparedness Awareness Nationwide


Whether you’re new to disaster preparedness or a seasoned prepper, there is always something to learn about preparing for emergencies. With the global climate changing rapidly, it is more important than ever to be prepared for an emergency. Disaster can strike at any time, but if you, your family, and your community are prepared, damage may be avoided or reduced and lives can be saved.

America’s PrepareAthon! is a campaign to encourage individuals, families, organizations, and communities to prepare for specific environmental and man-made disasters by organizing nationwide exercises, drills, and discussions every fall and spring. Over 700,000 people have already signed up to participate in the first National Day of Action, taking place on April 30, 2014. Organized by The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the campaign is aimed to spread knowledge and educate the public about preparing for hazardous situations.

This spring’s event focuses on four particular disasters: wildfire, hurricane, tornado, and flood. Most regions of the country are at risk of one or more of these events occurring, and preparing ahead of time can save lives and result in a more efficient recovery. Whether you live in a major city or small town, an apartment in a high-rise or a farm house, you can do your part to increase awareness and protect yourself and those around you.

Not only is the campaign aimed at assisting Americans in preparing for disaster, it is also designed to make citizens aware of what disasters can strike their community and how to be safe before, during, and after a disaster. By practicing disaster drills and holding open discussions communities, families, and organizations can grow stronger and will be safer when faced with an emergency.

By joining the America’s PrepareAthon! Movement, you are committing to make your community a safer place. Be a leader in your community by signing up to host events in your neighborhood, office, school, and community, or participate in events that are already occurring. Everyone has a role when preparing for disaster, and FEMA’s America’s PrepareAthon! provides educational promotional materials for organizers and participants.

According to U.S. Department of Homeland Security testimony on February 12, 2014, the United States lost $1.15 trillion due to economic loss due to failure to prepare for extreme weather events from 1980 to 2010. By helping our communities prepare we can work together to lower the cost of disaster relief nationwide. Preparedness strategies are much more cost efficient for local governments than recovery costs.

America’s PrepareAthon! provides instructional materials for simple drills, discussions, and planning that will help people participate in community resilience training, know what to do to reduce damage and be safe, take action to increase preparedness among individuals and the community, and to understand which specific disasters can happen in your community. The goal of America’s PrepareAthon! is to raise awareness and increase preparedness.

By organizing community events, you are doing your part to make your community and country a safer and more prepared place. Set goals for participants and communicate those goals. Use social media like Facebook and Twitter to spread the word of your activities and America’s PrepareAthon!. Create custom invitations or join the national conversation to show your support. Invite local organizations and businesses to join your efforts.

Bring your 72-hour survival kit with you to your preparedness activities and show your participants what items they should have in their own preparedness kits, how to use the stove to prepare meals and heat water for hygiene, and even prepare a few meals for participants to taste.

Sign up today and become a part of the nation’s effort to prepare for disaster. Keep your loved ones, neighbors, and colleagues safe by practicing hazard-specific drills, making and communicating plans of action in case of a disaster, and by practicing disaster drills. Print materials from the America’s PrepareAthon! website and help spread the word! Your community will be a safer place if everyone is informed on what disasters may strike and if everyone does their part to educate themselves and others on how to prepare for natural or man-made disasters.