A Look at Different Firestarters For Everyday and Survival Use

Household and Emergency FirestartersFirestarters 

Fire starting has always been one of those subjects of common interest at home or wilderness survival. Lets start with listing a few commonly used fire starting tools firesteel, charcoal, knife, tinder, cloth, Instafire, and many other great options.


Lighting your fire with charcoal is a common option. However it is commonly used for bbq grills and no you don’t have to use lighter fluid fuel to get it burning in your grill. The best way to get your charcoal going is a chimney starter. You can find and purchase these starters all over, yet if you want to make one at home you can use an old coffee can or something similar. Note your can must be metal. Put a few small holes in the bottom of the metal can and place the charcoal inside the can. Under your can you can place paper towels, newspaper, or any dry burnable material. This is the same process you will use while using a chimney starter. Now light the material and as it burns below your coals, it will light. You can also put a light amount of vegetable oil in the can to get it burning hotter faster.

Steel Wool

Another great fire starting material is steel wool, it is made up of very fine low grade carbon. Carbon known as aluminum or stainless steel. This can be very easy to use to spark and produce a fire given the fact it will burn hot and ignite easy with a simple match.


This is a device most commonly used by the military and starts your wood burning no matter the weather. When you get to talking about military survival gear, firesteel is one the first thoughts to enter a lot of people’s mind. Survival supplies are great to keep in your home in case of an emergency. Firestarter tinder should always be on top of that list. You need products so you can get the grill cooking your meals or heat burning on cold nights. Simple things to get your flame lite and sparks flying. The tinder can be just about anything including wood, paper, and leaves. So you need a way to get that flame going.


Instafire - Emergency Fire Starter

Now Instafire may be one of the easiest firestarters in windy and wet weather. Instafire is a fun to use product that is made up of wood pellets, volcanic rock and paraffin wax. Instafire is water resistant making your fire burn hotter and won’t blow out in up to 30 mph wind. It will light quickly and easily without a pile of twigs or branches.


When you are thinking about fire starters, camping and survival skills and things you will need a knife should also be near the top of your list. The knife can also be used as a firestarter or simply to cut things you may need such as cloth, paper, rope, and even food. So when you are thinking about how to survive in the woods, living in a tree or in case of an emergency do not forget your knife.

There are many fire starting options for household, survival and emergency preparedness. The best idea is to try different things and practicing to see what works best for you. Let us know what things you find work best for you.