6 Fire Safety Tips Your Family Should Know


Fire safety in the home is something every family member must take seriously. Even one small, and careless misstep could cause disaster. Anything that can cause a fire is dangerous when used or mistreated. Even more problematic is if you or a family member disregard the basic rules that are needed to survive in case a fire erupts. This article will help you recognize what to do and what not to do to prevent a fire, and ensure your family makes it out safely in the event a fire occurs.

1. Install Smoke Detectors
The simplest, and most effective solution for fire safety is the Smoke Detector. Every home should have at least one smoke detector per floor. Smoke detectors can sense unusual amounts of smoke and combustion gases in the air. Check your smoke detectors monthly to ensure they are still functioning. Batteries should be replaced at least once a year.

2. Take Care When Cooking
Cooking areas should be kept clear of flammable items. Also, take care not to wear clothing that is too loose, or hangs over the stove. Handles of your pots must be turned inward so they do not over-hang. this will reduce the risk of knocking the pot off the burner. In the event of a grease fire, carefully place a lid over the pan. Smother the flames as quickly as possible, and be sure to turn off the burner.

3. Care With Matches and Lighters
Matches and Lighters exist solely for the purpose of creating fire. Which means, only an adult should use them, no matter the circumstances. In the hands of a child, matches and lighters can be very dangerous. Store them where only adults have access to them. Educating children about the hazards lighters and matches possess should be paramount in any household.

4. Electrical Safety
If an appliance is smoking or is emitting a strange smell, unplug it immediately. Chances are the appliance needs to be repaired or replaced. Check all your electrical cords for cracks or fraying ,and replace accordingly. Extension cords must never be overloaded and cords should not be run under carpets and rugs. Tampering with a fuse box or using an improper sized fuse can also lead to disaster.

5. Using Emergency Numbers
You and your family’s safety must always remain top priority. If a fire starts inside your home, get everyone out first before you make an emergency call. Make sure the call is placed after you and everyone else is safe and accounted for outside of your home. Use a cell or a neighbors phone if possible. The seconds you spend on the phone inside the house with a fire could mean the difference between life or death.

6. Have An Escape Route Planned
Make sure your family knows every possible escape and exit point in your home before a fire may ever happen. A drawing of the layout of your house showing these points should be made, and given to every family member. Make sure all important details are highlighted in the drawing, such as stairs, hallways, windows, and doors. Designate a safe meeting area outside the house to account for every family member.

Above you learned some of the ways you can take precautions to prevent fires in your home. You also learned what you and your family should do if a fire starts. For more information on how to prevent fires, and to answer other fire safety related questions you may have, contact your local fire department. There is also a wealth of information on government websites, and more. just remember, the basic key elements will remain the same: Always be alert, and never play with fire.