Emergency Water Storage Ideas

7gallon-5gallon-water-storageHumans may be able to go a month or more without food, but we’re dead in a matter of days without agua. It’s our planet’s most precious resource, and storing it in case of emergencies or a zombie apocalypse is a fantastic survival tactic. Check out a few ideas regarding emergency water storage and make sure that whatever you store the precious liquid in is clean. Very, very clean.

Water Bottles

Purchasing several packs of water bottles from your local grocery store is a pretty obvious water storage idea, but one that’s still worth mentioning. If you decide to stack your emergency storage space with water bottles, make sure they and all other plastic water containers aren’t sitting near a heat source. This causes the plastic to melt a bit, and subsequently leach chemicals into your water.

Edible Plastic Containers

“Edible” in this instance does not refer to the containers themselves, but rather what they house. Edible plastic containers are used for water, juice, milk, and soda, while inedible containers are used for soap, laundry detergent, etc. Recycle edible plastic containers and use them for water storage, but again be sure to sanitize them first.

Glass Bottles/Jars

As long as you keep them in a safe area where they won’t fall and shatter into a million little pieces, glass bottles and jars make great water storage containers. Think mason jars, glass soda jars, glass apple cider vinegar jars, and any other viable glass container. Glass jars can even take a little heat without chemicals leaching into the water because they’re, you know, glass.

Heavy-Duty 5-Gallon Containers

Heavy-duty containers capable of holding up to five gallons of water are another emergency must-have, as they make storing a whole lot of liquid easy.

Other water storage ideas include water bricks and collapsible containers. You may also want to invest in water treatment kits and filters to ensure optimal sanitation.

What are you best water storage tricks? Share them in the comments section!