Cold Weather Survival Tips

preparedness simplified - camping skills

Feeling cold is pretty darn painful, at least until you feel numb, at which point . . . um, look out. Extreme cold makes you wonder how those in Nordic countries like Russia, Siberia, etc. do it, as such weather is one of the most challenging survival scenarios to endure. However, should you find yourself stranded in a winter not-wonderland, a little knowledge and planning goes a long way. Check out a few tips regarding cold weather survival.

Cover Yourself

Yes, this tip is pretty darn obvious, but the more of yourself you cover, the more body heat you’ll retain. Wear a hat, since you lose more than half your body heat from your head, and opt for layers of loose clothing. Avoid tight clothing, as loose clothes create air pockets that act as insulation.

Stay Dry

Staying dry in cold weather is essential, because if your clothing gets damp or wet, you’re in danger of getting real cold real fast. Dampness also occurs from getting too warm, as sweat significantly decreases clothes’ insulation power.

Keep Clean

Keeping clothing as clean as possible is another essential cold weather survival tactic, as clothes encrusted with dirt and grease once again lose their ability to insulate.

 Use Dry Leaves

If you need to build a shelter while out in frigid temperatures, make sure you use dry leaves and debris only. Wet leaves and moss will only make you cold, so stick to the driest stuff you can find. A shelter that protects you from face-numbing wind is what you want, so use any tarps or sheets you have to help keep the wind off you.

Use these tips and stay warm while stranded in a hideously-cold region!

Have you had to survive in extreme cold? Share your story in the comments section!