Top Safety Tips for Parents with Small Children

parenting safety tipsAs parents, our main job is to protect our kids and raise them to become healthy adults. Here are just a few things to think about when considering how to keep your kids safe from harm’s way.

Keeping Kids Safe at Home

In many homes, the kitchen is a main gathering place, so be sure to have lower cabinets and drawers locked with child-proof locks.

Kids love to help in the kitchen. You can allow toddlers to play with larger kitchen objects like extra pots and measuring cups. You may even have a designated drawer for their special kitchen toys. Allow older children to help “cook” things that don’t require heat or knives.

The bathroom is another place kids like to play. To avoid plumbing disasters, keep toilet lids shut and locked. Drowning is a major concern for children so never allow young kids to be in the bathtub unsupervised. Some even choose to keep the entire bathroom off-limits with a baby gate.

Keeping Kids Safe in the Outdoors

Playing outside is a great way for kids to entertain themselves and get exercise, but it can also be hazardous if you don’t take precautions. Never allow children to play outside unsupervised, especially in unfenced yards. Teach kids not to blindly chase stray toys that go outside your yard. Older kids can be taught to look both ways before crossing the street to retrieve a lost toy.

Small battery operated vehicles, like Jeeps, are popular kids toys. While fun, they too can be a danger if your child is using them inappropriately. Seatbelts and safety restraints are often built into the vehicles and should be used by all kids, but the biggest concern of these vehicles is where kids drive them. Many kids like to mimic real cars and try to drive their battery operated vehicles in the street. Cops have even been known to make house calls to warn parents about their kids driving them in the street.

Also, don’t forget hazards like rivers and creeks. Even the smallest creek can turn into a massive danger in a heavy thunderstorm, so make sure your kids know about their neighborhoods and where all the potential threats might be.

Keeping Kids Safe in Public

While your home and yard may be child-proofed, the whole world isn’t. Many parents’ greatest fears are parking lots and stores. Kids like to be independent and don’t often like to hold hands as they cross the parking lot, but this is really the only easy way to protect them from the dangers of drivers who may not be able to see them.

In crowded stores, do not allow your child to wander away from you. If your child does get lost, make sure they know to make their way to the front of the store and have you paged over the intercom. In huge crowds, you may even consider tying a balloon onto their wrist so they are easier to spot.

Keeping kids safe from life’s many dangers is a full-time and very difficult job, but it’s definitely worth every minute!

What are some other good ways to keep kids safe?