Emergency Preparedness: How to prepare for a hurricane

Hurricane Emergency PreparednessEmergency Preparedness. As hurricane season approaches, everyone who lives in the paths of these terrible, potential life threatening acts of nature, should review how prepared they are for disaster. Anyone who lives in the path of hurricanes knows what can happen, and what needs to be done to be ready for whatever destruction and disruption these killer storms can leave in their wake.

There are many steps that should be performed when preparing for hurricane evacuations. The most important tip: be aware of weather reports. Today’s weather tracking is capable of more advanced warning than ever before.

Watch or Warning? The Difference. 

Hurricane Watch
Hurricane conditions are a threat within 48 hours. Now is the time to review your hurricane plans. Make sure all is in place for a fast getaway. Be ready to act if a warning is issued, and stay informed.

Hurricane Warning
Hurricane conditions are expected within 36 hours. Time to get ready to pack up and go as soon as an order is issued, always take warnings very seriously, pack your supplies and be ready.

Once the warning has been issued, the work begins. It takes more than just jumping in your car and leaving. The American Red Cross recommends:

• Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio for critical information from the National Weather Service (NWS).
• Check your disaster supplies of food and water. Replace or restock as needed.
• Stow away the lawn furniture and kids toys.
• Batten the hurricane shutters, or board up your windows.
• Keep fridge closed and set to the coldest setting,
• Check propane tanks to be sure they are off.
• Unplug everything.
• Fill up the car.
• Have a plan. Rehearse your plan. Make sure everyone knows exactly what to do.
• Check community hurricane response plan routs and shelter locations. Plan ahead for any special needs.
• When the authorities say leave, go to your plan and leave. Be sure to avoid flooded roads and washed out bridges.

A good survival kit will include; a gallon of water per day, per person, for three days and three days of food storage; flashlight, battery powered radio, and extra batteries; well stocked first aid kit including 7 day supply of any necessary prescriptions; and copies of all important paperwork, car and property titles, birth certificates, insurance policies, etc; blankets, flashlights, cell phone chargers, extra cash and a map in case you get lost.

You will also want to include emergency blankets, baby supplies, pet supplies, extra car keys, extra clothes, rain gear, and don’t forget the bug spray and sunscreen. If your cell phone does not have a camera, grab that too.

Other things to consider when remaining on hurricane alert include continuing to listen to the weather radio until danger has passed. You should also be aware of the weather that is happening as the danger approaches and leaves. Rain and flooding can happen after the storm passes. Please avoid washed out roads and bridges and keep away from power lines. With a plan in place and emergency preparedness taken care of hopefully you can avoid disaster during Hurricane season.