72 Hour Kit Checklist

Emergency 72 hour kit Checklist72 hour survival kits are recommended by emergency management agencies so people can be prepared in case of emergency. This kit, also called a bug out bag, is an easy way to prepare ahead of time for disaster. If you need to evacuate your home or workplace, your kit would contain the basics you need to survive for 72 hours. On the occasion you decide to stay in your home during an emergency (shelter in place), your survival kit contents could be stored in a large tote box; however, there are some situations in which it is necessary to leave your house. These may include natural disasters (ex. fleeing a hurricane) or temporarily moving to a new location to avoid a serious contagious disease or illness (such as a pandemic flu). What items should be in your evacuation kit?

Here is a basic checklist for your 72 hour survival evacuation kits. The items you should consider for your kit are as follows:

  • Backpack (sturdy, with several pockets to make organization easier)
  • Water (experts recommend 3 gallons of water per day; if you shelter in place, you can easily store this amount of water; if you have to relocate, however, you may want to carry a couple of water bottles and invest in a portable purification or filtration system to filter the water you find along the way instead)
  • Food (energy bars, trail mix, dried fruits and nuts, tuna fish, peanut butter, hard candy and crackers; add easily-heated foods and/or dehydrated  or freeze dried food and a method for reheating such as small pots, pans, and utensils; be sure to pack baby formula and food if you have an infant, plus bottles)
  • Shelter (small tarp; tube tent or backpacker tent; thick garbage bag to keep backpack contents dry; length of strong cord for rigging up shelter)
  • Fire Starter(waterproof container of matches; lighter)
  • Light (2 flashlights, with extra batteries for both; emergency candles)
  • Medical/First Aid (3 days’ worth of prescription medication; ibuprofen; basic first aid supplies such as: antibacterial cleaner, alcohol wipes, variety of band aids, gauze pads, burn ointment, bug spray, sunscreen; allergy medication)
  • Documents and cash (copy of drivers’ license or other photo identification; copy of medical cards; list of important telephone numbers such as family, friends, bank, home owner’s insurance company, and medical providers; map of the area; cash)
  • Personal hygiene (hand sanitizer; shampoo; hair brush or comb; toothbrush and toothpaste; sanitary supplies if necessary; toilet paper; diapers and wipes if you have a baby with you)
  • Clothing (full change of clothing; extra thick socks for hiking; hat; light windbreaker; gloves; bandana)
  • Miscellaneous (utility knife and/or multi-tool; pepper spray; duct tape; loud whistle; pocket mirror; compass; battery-operated radio so you can find out what is going on)

Today, many people are mentally prepared to survive a catastrophic event because they planned ahead. Having a prepacked survival kit may increase your chances for survival for the 72 hour period it may take for you to reach safety.


    • Alana on May 26, 2013 at 4:43 pm

    I bought two containers of the 72 hour food for two adults last night on line.
    How do I get my $50.00 coupon?
    Thank you.
    Mrs. DUBois

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