7 Easy Things You Can Skip to Save Money

If you want to save money, it’s amazing how easy it can be! All you need to do is really assess your habits and daily spending to find some things to cut out. Here are some examples below:

Magazine Subscription

1.     Magazine Subscriptions

I love flipping through magazines in the grocery check out line, but I never buy them. To me, magazines always seem to have the exact same stories in them cycled over and over again. I’d rather buy a new book or a new app than to waste money on a magazine subscription unless it provided a real, true value to me

2.     Gym Memberships

Some people use their gym memberships a lot, and for those people, they are absolutely worth it. However, if you are a casual gym user, there’s not much you can do at the gym that you can’t do with a few great YouTube videos at home.

Things you can go without

3.     The Latest iPhone

I just learned that some cell phone companies are offering new plans where you can get a brand new phone every year. The plans are slightly more expensive, and after talking to someone at the company, they explained it was for people who loved having the newest phone all the time. Now, I love gadgets just as much as the next millennial but the thought of paying a premium just so I can have the latest and greatest seems like a waste of money to me.

4.     New Bathing Suits for the Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and I’ve been seeing new bathing suits in the big box stores for well over a month now. Everyone loves to buy a new suit for the new season, but chances are you already have a ton of them in your closet at home.

5.     Soda

I love an ice cold coke just as much as the next person, but if I buy a big pack at the store, I will drink all of them in a matter of days. Instead, I choose to save the money and only buy a can every now and then when the craving strikes. It’s much healthier on my body and my wallet that way!

6.     Full Price Movies

My husband and I love going to matinee movies. Not only are they much cheaper, but they always provide a really nice afternoon date! I can’t remember the last time I paid full price for a movie since they have become so very expensive in the last few years.

Restaurant Alcohol

7.     Alcohol at Restaurants

If you skipped the glass of wine at dinner and instead enjoyed some when you got home, you can save several dollars off of your bill. Trust me, I know it’s nice to enjoy a drink while you have your meal, but if you are on a budget, it’s so much more cost effective to mix your own drinks from the comfort of your home.

All in all, if you want to save money, it just takes a few simple tweaks to really save significant cash. By altering a few habits and cutting out a few unnecessary expenses, you can have more dollars in your pocket to save or to spend on things that really do matter.

What are some things in your life that you can cut out today to save money?