5 Tips for Warm Weather Conceal Carry

One of the most important parts to any Every Day Carry (EDC) is a (legally) concealed firearm. Carrying a handgun concealed with you at all times is one of the best ways to be prepared, and in the winter months this task is easily accomplished without detection thanks to bulky clothes and winter jackets.

The same cannot be said for the warmer months however. Shorts, t-shirts, and the lack of jackets or sweatshirts means there’s often nothing between your concealed firearm and the rest of the world except for a thin piece of cotton. All is not lost however, as it’s still possible to successfully carry a handgun while keeping it concealed when the temperature gets warm; you just need to adjust your setup and think about your carry.

1. Wear Loose Clothing


Unless you’re trying to look professional or extra spiffy, tucking in your shirt is far from being in style these days, so keeping a moderately loose-fitting shirt and pants/shorts on. There’s more room to hide the bulge of a concealed handgun when you move. This is easy to do in the summer, and when done correctly can keep you from looking sloppy.

If you usually wear a medium t-shirt and it’s a slim fit, you probably want to move up to a large while carrying. This extra bit of room will make sure you can carry comfortably while making sure you stay concealed.

2. IWB is Your Friend


When you have extra layers to hide behind, the most comfortable way to conceal carry is outside the waistband (OWB). Unless you’re wearing an extra loose-fitting shirt, this isn’t recommended for the warmer months for obvious reasons.

Get yourself a slim inside the waistband (IWB) holster for a carry that, while slightly less comfortable, is infinitely more concealed. Let your belt out a notch and possibly buy your shorts/pants one size up to make this fit even better.

3. Pocket Carry


With looser fitting shorts and summer pants, you can even go so far as to carry your concealed firearm in your pocket. There are holsters built for this specific purpose, making it an ideal way to pocket your protection piece and walk out the door.

The only issue with a pocket carry is that you either need to get bigger pockets, or a smaller gun, which we’ll cover next.

4. Carry a Smaller Gun



No matter how you carry, changing up your EDC to a smaller piece for the summer is easily the best way to change things up for the better. Even a smaller .22 handgun is enough to stop most attackers, and with the smaller size comes a lighter weight, too.

You don’t have to go down in caliber to get a smaller gun for the summer. Take for example Glock’s G43. This subcompact handgun fires 9mm and can hold 9 rounds in its compact frame. Kahr’s PM40 fires .40 and is small enough to easily fit in a pocket. You can even go for the KelTec P-11 with the built-in belt clip for size and comfort.

5. Set It and Forget It


The best tip for conceal carrying in the summer as well as for any other month is to set it and forget it. This means you should holster the gun how you want and not touch it again while in public unless drawing it in an emergency.

It’s all too easy to mindlessly adjust your holster while standing in line, or after you bend over to tie your shoes, but unless the gun is clearly showing, don’t adjust it where people can see. Not only can this get you an uncomfortable talk with the police where you have to assure them you are legally carrying, but possible attackers will know you have a weapon, too.

By following these tips, you should be able to successfully carry your concealed firearm when the weather heats up without anyone but you knowing.