5 Tin foil Recipes for Your Family Camping Trip

Corn On The Cob Tin Foil DinnerTin Foil Recipes. The summer is coming soon and you need to think about what to feed your family when you go camping. Tin foil dinners are easy to make and have ready to go for your trip. Then, when you arrive at the camping site, you can just place them in the coals of the campfire and let them heat up. It works and is an easy way to make gourmet food for the road. Here are 5 recipes for those meals this year.

Corn on the CobĀ 

Shuck enough corn for your family and place in individual foil packets with a half tablespoon of butter on top and sprinkle with parmesan cheese and lime juice (cotija cheese and cayenne pepper for those who like spicy). You can place on a grill or on hot coals and rotate every 5 minutes.

Breakfast Burritos

Burritos of any kind are delicious, but these tasty treats will leave your mouth watering. Scramble enough eggs for your family. Add to the scramble one can of corn beef hash. Fry it all until it is sizzling and smells delicious. Place some in one tortilla until all of the tortillas are gone. Fold the tortillas up so they are tight and place them in a piece of aluminum foil. Each burrito should have it’s own foil packet. Freeze them until the day of the trip.

Corn Beef Casserole

This one can be done with hamburger, but my family likes corned beef. You decide which is best for your family. Fry one can of corned beef until it is sizzling. While that is frying, place one bag of tater tots on a cookie sheet and bake it in the oven on 350 degrees for 35 minutes. When they are cooked and golden, take them out of the oven. Mix the corned beef and the hash browns and add to the mix any canned mushroom soup. Place one serving each for every member of your family in tin foil packets and wrap them securely. Freeze them until the day of your camping trip.

Toasty Treats

Take oats and your favorite nuts and dried fruits and place them on a cookie sheet evenly. Add a drizzle of honey over the entire tray. Bake that at 250 degrees in the oven for 5 minutes or less until they are melted. Take your tin foil packets and add enough of the granola mix to make one bar each. Fold the foil over the granola and freeze until the time for your camping trip.

Morning Scramble

Scramble up some eggs and sausage in a pan as you bake some hash browns in the oven on a tray at 350 degrees. When all of that is done, just crumble the cooled hash browns into the sausage and eggs mix. Place enough for each family member into a foil packet. Freeze until the camping trip day arrives.

When the day of the camping trip arrives you take the tin foil meals and place them in a freezer or ice container for the road. When you are ready to eat one of your tin foil dinners just take it out and place it in the coals of the campfire to warm. Serve immediately for breakfast, lunch a snack or dinner. Who says that breakfast burritos are just for breakfast? Have these yummy dinners anytime that your family is hungry.