5 iPhone Apps For Those Who Love the Outdoors

iphone apps for outdoor loversForget lugging around cumbersome field guides to assorted species, maps, atlases, and other means of tracking where you are and what bird that is. There are numerous iPhone apps that provide all the fun and necessary nature information you need with just a few clicks. Use these apps to help sharpen your survival skills; check out five cool options:

1. MyNature: Animal Tracks

This app is “the first comprehensive field guide to animal track identification” and features a database with “ 7 searchable track categories and 5 searchable categories for scat”, all of which include detailed illustrations and information for front and back paws. Read descriptions of track measurements, gait patterns and life cycles. The app also features a nature journal option, tracking tips and a built-in ruler!

2. Leafsnap

Take a picture of a leaf with this app and upload it for identification. App creators from Columbia University, the University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institute used face recognition technology to compile an extensive image library of leaves, which is also scrollable. Keep in mind that the leaf must be photographed against a white background for the app to work.

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3. iBird

Love birdy-birds? This app is the perfect alternative to heavy bird books. It provides detailed images, range maps, songs and calls, and other means of identification. The info is courtesy of the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

4. Dirr’s Tree and Shrub Finder

Inspired by Michael A. Dirr’s classic work, The Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Dirr’s Tree and Shrub Finder offers information on 1,670 species and 7,800 cultivars, including  7,600 high-resolution plant images. The database is searchable through hardiness zones, water and light needs, flowers, fruits, fall colors, growth characteristics and 66 other criteria. Find information for landscaping and home gardening purposes, and much more.

5. Park Maps

Topographical maps from every major national park in the United States are at your fingertips with this app. You’ll never have to weed through paper maps ever again, nor will you have to worry about taking a wrong turn and finding yourself face-to-face with a bear!

These are just some of the many cool nature apps available today! Check them out and enjoy the great outdoors!!