3 Ways Animals Can Help You Survive

Attracting Birds to Your GardenCan watching animals help you survive if stranded in the wilderness? Absolutely. Animals know a thing or two about survival, after all. They let you know when stuff’s about to go down! Here are some of the many ways animals will help you stay alive until it’s rescue time:


Keep a weather eye on the animals around you, as they’ll tell you when a huge predator is about to make an entrance. Birds make great emergency alerts, as they’ll often squawk like crazy when danger is near. Blue Jays in particular do this, while any quail, pheasant, or similar bird that runs out of a bush or other brush in a hurry is a sure signal something unpleasant is nearby. If you weren’t the one to cause the bird to vacate its previous area, you can be darn sure something else did.

Birds and other animals will also fall silent when a big, bad predator is close. If you notice one or several animals doing what they normally do and then stopping for seemingly no reason, something is amiss.

Bad Weather

Use animals to let you know when inclement weather is on its way so you can find shelter as soon as possible. Cows are notorious for lying down when it’s about to seriously rain, while birds flying lower than usual and skimming the ground are another indication that bad weather is about to manifest itself. Birds normally fly high in the sky, but changes in air pressure make them zoom towards Earth.

Another way to tell there’s a bad moon, er, storm on the horizon is when animals disappear. Again, a drop in pressure lets them know it’s time to head home and that you should do the same (even if it’s a makeshift shelter).


Let animals help you find sources of water.  You can tell there is water nearby when you see lots of animal tracks in conjunction with swarming insects and bird flight paths.

Animals can also help you find food, as they usually aren’t going to chow down on stuff that’s deadly. However, it’s important to remember animals are willing to try any number of foods, including stuff that may be toxic. Use your best judgment in these instances to avoid getting sick.

What else can animals teach us about staying alive in the wild? Share tips in the comments section!